How Massage Can Help with Chronic Conditions

Often, chronic conditions are silent or invisible diseases. Those who live with chronic conditions are constantly aware of them but may appear healthy to the outside world. It can be a struggle for patients to learn to live with their condition, especially if it is one that does not have a medical cure or adequate treatment. Other chronic conditions are outwardly visible through the toll they take on the body.

For many people living with chronic conditions, massage can play a key role in helping manage the illness and providing symptom relief. While massage cannot cure or magically wipe away all effects of chronic conditions, it can play an important role in improving patients’ quality of life. Individuals with chronic conditions including fibromyalgia, ALS, cancer, arthritis, Lyme disease, depression, and anxiety may all benefit from regular massage therapy.

Increased blood flow

Massage is great for circulation, which supports healing and reduces inflammation. The pressure of massage causes blood to flow into the area being worked. When pressure is released, new blood rushes in. This directly increases circulation and facilitates healing.

Improved lymph system function

During massage, the lymphatic system is stimulated. In much the same way as blood circulation improves, circulation within the lymphatic system improves. This circulation aids lymph fluids in draining, which is one of the mechanisms of removing toxins from the body.

Relieved stress

Living with a long-term illness or chronic condition takes a heavy emotional toll. Massage can play a key role in stress reduction and emotional wellbeing.

Stress goes beyond a state of mind. It changes the way our bodies act and react. Stress that is emotional or psychological can raise blood pressure, tighten muscles, and create other changes in the body. Relieving stress through massage therapy can reduce the perception of pain and increase overall wellbeing.

Reduced muscle tension

Massage directly reduces muscle tension, which feels wonderful and is good for your health. Muscles give our bodies shape and pull everything together. Tight muscles, however, restrict our bodies. This goes further than just restricting movement; it actually restricts your organs as well. Reducing tension allows muscles to decompress, which lessens pain and inflammation.

If you are living with a chronic condition, talk to your massage therapist about what how massage can support your body in multiple ways.


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